Friday, 24 October 2014

Elephant Neighbors Center (ENC): Conserving African Elephants through walking and t...

Elephant Neighbors Center (ENC): Conserving African Elephants through walking and t...: The conservation of our resources and heritage is key to the success of our future generations. As entrenched in our constitution it is ou...

Elephant Neighbors Center (ENC): Ivory belongs to elephants Amboseli- Tsavo campaig...

Elephant Neighbors Center (ENC): Ivory belongs to elephants Amboseli- Tsavo campaig...: Re: Ivory Belongs to Elephants Amboseli- Tsavo Campaign walk The elephant population in 1970 was at 167, 000. The numbers stand at 2...

Ivory belongs to elephants Amboseli- Tsavo campaign walk

Re: Ivory Belongs to Elephants Amboseli- Tsavo Campaign walk

The elephant population in 1970 was at 167, 000. The numbers stand at 26,400 elephants in Kenya today. Kenya loses one (1) elephant daily to poaching and over 365 elephants for its tusks (ivory) annually. If this trend continues the national elephant population may decline given that mortality rate was 4% compared to a growth rate of 2% in 2011. Over 80% of Kenya’s elephants are found outside protected areas and the rest in National Parks and Reserves. Poaching is an emerging challenge and if its not managed now, it will lead to decline of elephant numbers and negatively impact the economy (GDP). 

Elephant Neighbors’ Center (ENC) is a Non- profit Organization whose mission is to protect the African elephant and secure landscapes for elephants outside the protected areas. ENC places emphasis on a three-tier approach: integrating community knowledge, environment and livelihoods in resolving principal problems and bias facing conservation in Kenya. Mr. Jim Nyamu is an ENC co-founder with over 16 years’ experience of studying elephants in Kenya and Africa. In 2013 he walked over 3,000 km in Kenya and in the USA raising awareness on elephant and Rhino poaching.

The Ivory belongs to elephant walk campaign received enormous support from Kenya’s First Lady Margaret Kenyatta, Cabinet Secretary to the Ministry of Natural Resource and Minerals, KWS and International organizations such as IFAW, WWF among others who walked with Jim separately. Jim has walked over 4000 km now that includes 950 km in the USA  (Boston to DC). In his campaigns he has walked and visited 372 Secondary’s School Primaries, colleges and over 600 community meetings in 29 counties. The campaign has also interacted with county Commissioners, Administration and Kenya police in different counties. 

ENC has brought various organizations together and have achieved just to mention just a few since the campaign started; Ivory belongs to elephants campaign among others lobbied the Kenyan government to improve the wildlife penalties from 1 year or fine of Ksh 40,000 to life in Prison or a fine of 20million shillings and now enacted as a law. Ivory belongs to elephants walk gave birth to other campaigns such as Elephant for Kenya and Hands Off Our Elephants; represented Kenyans in the David Shedrick Wildlife Trust International March in Washington DC on October 4th 2013. The campaign with other lobbyist organizations that included David Shedrick Wildlife Trust pressurized the USA government to crush the ivory confiscated and finally was crushed in Colorado and Jim was invited to witness on November 14th 2013. Raised more awareness on the poaching through local, national and International media that includes Voice of America, Good morning America among others reaching to over 500,000 peoples. Mr. Jim Nyamu is looking for an organization or individuals in the USA who would help him to plan for another campaign walk mostly in California. This campaign walk has three objectives : 

(1) Raise awareness on the elephants and Rhino poaching   
(2) Engage local communities on how to participate in wildlife conservation programs 
(3) Educate communities on the new wildlife Act enacted early this year.

This noble campaign is scheduled to start in Emali, Amboseli, Loitoktok, Jipe, Taveta, Mwakitau to Voi tentative dates Jan 22nd through Feb 23nd. (455km) I am writing this in request for your support.

Please contacts us : Email :   +254 713-353-060 

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Elephant Neighbors Center (ENC): Conserving African Elephants through walking and t...

Elephant Neighbors Center (ENC): Conserving African Elephants through walking and t...: The conservation of our resources and heritage is key to the success of our future generations. As entrenched in our constitution it is ou...

Conserving African Elephants through walking and talking " Taking an initiative "

The conservation of our resources and heritage is key to the success of our future generations. As entrenched in our constitution it is our responsibility to protect and preserve our environment and heritage. A keystone species is in danger of extinction, in Kenya; the elephant population in 1970 was 167,000. The numbers stands now stands 26,400 as at December 2013.  This year alone Over 150 elephants have been killed with 40 Rhinos poached in the protected and in private conservancies. At least in Kenya we lose one (1) elephant daily to poaching and over 365 elephants for its tusks (Ivory) annually. About 78% of poaching incidences are reported in non-protected areas and 12 % incidences from protected areas of Kenya (KWS 2013). Our economy heavy depend on tourism related revenue and destroying these big five mammals is a concern of each and every Kenyan. To contribute in conservation of this wildlife Elephant Neighbors Centre (ENC), started a campaign in attempt to educating local communities who currently live with 70% of wildlife on their land whist 30% found in the protected areas. By August 2014, ENC had walked 4,175km in 21 disjoined counties and in 9 States in the USA under the campaign ‘Ivory Belongs to Elephants’, with Jim Nyamu leading the group. On this walks various opportunities are seen to market the Nation for domestic and international tourism, The continued campaigns of ENC organization is a plat foam that as a nation could get audience to foreign stakeholder on the need to visit our nation.
Follow us on the " Ivory belongs to elephants grass-root campaign 

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


Elephant Neighbor Center's Status Update
Friends, tomorrow is my birth day! This comes at the moment when 2 Rhinos and couple of elephants have been poached in different parts of our elephants ranges in Kenya. I also remember the loss of my personal and my supporter Lynne Leakey who passed away last month and her remains ( dust...) now in Tsavo areas. I will have nothing to celebrate but to take stock on what we and I have done this year and what is ahead of us. Thank you so much for your continued support, my humble appeal is do not get tired in supporting us as we and I will not get tired of walking and talking, Its very difficult and time calling but am and we are dedicated in pleading the wildlife haters to change their minds and join us in protecting our wildlife . God bless you for what we have achieved so far.


Jim Justus Nyamu

We are extending our sale of T-shirts from Galleria, Bomas to Westland's, Thika road and more outlets and Looking for volunteers from the mentioned areas. This is in preparation for Amboseli- Tsavo Ivory belongs to elephants campaign walk. Who is in Voi town?